Monday, March 25, 2013

2013 Syria War

Another year...another war. The proxy war in Syria has killed untold thousands of innocent people and when not if the NATO bombing starts millions more will die. Just like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and countless others before them and since...this genocidal madness will not stop. The perpetual "war on terror" is the greatest war of terror the human race has ever known. What started with a white flag 911 inside job operation has systematically set in motion the hidden masters unspeakable carnage. The tactics are always identical...pimp the proxy murderers through the media...pound the lies through the information conglomerate...brainwash the public with the "two minutes of hate". However even Orwell could have never foretold just how insidious this global domination of minds, hearts, souls and Earth could actually be. We have become slaves of sickeningly false information overload. Too scared to think for ourselves and too burdened with the artificial burden of monetary stress to ask ourselves what went wrong. To the outside world who hate America. I am truly sorry.